About Us

Prioritizing Your Health

Every one of us gets up every day and tries to eat the stuff that we need but not the stuff we want. This is a lifestyle we adopted and are sticking to it. At Juice Dragon, we want people to understand the importance of nutritious foods and how they will promote life and longer life, especially with the state of the world.

juice dragon

Did You Know?
Because fruit digest the fastest of all foods, fresh fruit should be eaten 1 hour before or 3 hours after other meals to prevent fermentation and digestive distress

Suitable For All

We offer juices and smoothies made out of pure, natural ingredients. Our collection will fulfill the need for healthy options. We want to make sure our healthy and tasty juices are getting out to people from all walks of life worldwide.

Did You Know?
Just 2 bananas will provide you with enough energy for an intense 90 minute workout

3 carrots give you energy to walk 3 miles. They were first grown as a medicine, not food.

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Freshness Guaranteed

While other juice bars put sugar and ice cream, we don’t do that. All our products are 100% natural with no fillers and are clean. We make proper nutrition a realistic option for everyone by making juices with fresh, vitamin and mineral-rich produce.